Monday, October 27, 2008

Fried Rice

I had some interesting thoughts as I wondered about the streets of Hong Kong. But I forgot most of them, because all I can think about right now is fried rice. Its the other 6.5 here. The vodcasting is not going as well as we thought, because I am having problems getting up early and iChatting with paul. But I am hoping tomorrow things will be different. I am trying to let my mind wander and to absorb the fullness of experience before my senses refract it and my consciousness (mis)interprets it. Tonight I am also trying to watch a preston sturges movie and perhaps Rear Window. I hope I can get to sleep. I have become addicted to buying crap off itunes because it is all .99 or 2.99.

I went hiking this weekend on Lantau Island with a bunch of Swedes and a Dutchman. It was like out of a Bergman movie - Wild Strawberries perhaps - a great road trip movie.

It is lonely out here at the furthest reaches of bit land -but as long as I can hear the gears of the Great Bit crank- my soul is satisfied.

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